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Monday, January 11, 2016

meet Rachel

Hey everyone, my name is Rachel.  If you would of asked me 5 years ago what I would be doing with my life ,this I would of never thought possible...Drugs and the lifestyle controlled my life then and I allowed it to consume at one point landed me in prison in 2010 and my life would change...luckily for me I could still make the decision to change or I would of never made it out alive...GOD did that...shortly after prison I found myself in need of a place to live...The Boliver House is where I ended up...and it was  Gods plan that it worked out.  I had never heard of a place like this before now and I was excited to be apart of something so positive for once in my life...God made a path for me and I just had to have faith he knew what he was doing.  People love me here inspite of where I came from and they are encouraging and even a little hard on me when my shopping gets out of hand...right Anna...I still have things I have to work on...I now have a family for life that will never know how much you all have made a difference in my life...I just hope one day I can inspire, guide, love, and comfort people too...Comunity is family...people who love beyond themselves to make a difference in people's lives and that is what the Boliver House is doing...

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